Everything is political – and everything seems to be rapidly changed in a past few days. Art criticism may seem marginal and distant from political issues. However, structures of journalism and freedom of speech are concerns also for art critics. What are the terms of participation, of analysis, of recognition?
You can view webinar held by Shine on Critique and Nordicom now online.
The Presentations
Hate speech and art critics? PhD Tuija Saresma Adjunct Professor, currently works as Senior at the Department of Music, Art and Culture Studies, Research Centre for Contemporary Culture, University of Jyväskylä. Her current projects include Everyday Affective Practices Online: Producing, Experiencing and Managing Hate Speech in the Digital Era (HAFFECT), Mainstreaming Populism (MAPO), Crossing Borders – Artistic Practices in Performing and Narrating Belonging (CROBOARTS), and Webs of Hate.
How can art criticism create visiblity for threatened artists and their work? Artists at Risk is a non-profit network institution at the intersection of human rights and the arts. Marita Muukkonen is an internationally active curator based in Helsinki, Ivor Stodolsky an internationally active curator, writer and theorist. They are co-founders of Perpetuum Mobile, which is a curatorial vehicle which brings together art, practice and enquiry. It acts as a conduit and engine to re-imagine certain basic historical, theoretical as well as practical paradigms in fields which often exist in disparate institutional frames and territories.
Host: Maarit Jaakkola, Nordicom
Contact: Maaria Ylikangas, Shine On Critique! (maaria.ylikangas@sarv.fi)
“Re-newing Reviewing: New and Innovative Practices among Art Critics” is a webinar series of three long-format webinars will discuss the new and emerging practices of art criticism and reviewing. The topics to be discussed are 1) Inclusion and diversity, 2) Criticism and politics, 3) Economic structures of arts criticism. Third webinar concerning economic structures of arts criticism will be held on October 13th, 2022.
Inclusion and Diversity in Art Criticism webinar was held on October 7th, and it can be viewed here.
Shine On Critique! is a project concerning art criticism. It is funded by the Kone Foundation and coordinated by the Finnish Critics’ Association.